Senior web and application developer 5+ Years of experience
Senior web and application developer 5+ Years of experience
Copyrights ahc.care © 2017 . All Rights Reserved
Contribution Terms and Conditions:
Crypto token ICO crowd funding is a new type of crowd funding superior to traditional crowd funding where you usually only receive a small thank you item like a t-shirt or product and instead receive tokens that can provide significant benefits. The tokens you receive are not securities. They are not similar to securities. Tokens are a not an offer to sell or sale of stock, shares, interest, participation, profit sharing, certificates, voting trusts, limited partnership interest, interest in a joint venture, interest in a business trust or subscriptions in Athelas or any other entity. Nor are the tokens convertible into any such things previously described, nor are they futures on any such things previously described. Nor are they warrants or rights to subscribe to any such things. Nor are they puts, calls, straddles, or other option or privilege of buying such things. The value of the tokens is based on the evolution of demand for them as a means of rewarding doctors and patients and as a means of transactional exchange in the enormous healthcare and health insurance industries which make roughly 16% of the GDP of the United States in revenue. Upon Athelas reaching phase 3 you would also be able to use them to purchase health insurance. Crypto currencies/crypto tokens can lose their value and have immense volatility.
You agree that you have read our white paper, which is for informational purposes only.
The founders will be restricted from selling at least 80% of their tokens for at least 24 months as a show of confidence in the strategy.
Again, crypto tokens are extremely volatile! As with all tokens and crowdfund/ICO projects there are no guarantees of success. Donations/contributions are not refundable.
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